Call us now at 954-880-0355!
When most individuals think about a fire in their home they imagine the entire structure going up in flames. The fire coming out of the roof and windows and the fire trucks parked outside with a water hose spraying their home. Although that can happen in an insurance claim, most fires are put out by the homeowner prior to the fire department arriving. Flames can be extinguished using a fire extinguisher, water or just covering the pot with a lid.
We do recommend calling the fire department to verify all of the flames are extinguished to be safe. The results of a small fire can be severe and you don’t even recognize it. The resulting soot and smoke damages can cause health issues and the cleaning of the structure can be costly. The water used to extinguish the fire can cause mold and further damages if left untreated. Azeem and Associates, LLC can inspect the premises and determine if a fire remediation company will be needed and assist you in locating them. Proper documentation is always a key factor when the investigation from the insurance company starts. They usually send out a fire investigator to determine the cause and origin of the fire. Sometimes an adjuster from the Special Investigation Unit is involved and there interview process is lengthy and stressful. A call to our office when the incident first happens will ease the stress and frustration caused by the insurance companies. We will document the file and explain the entire process to you including reviewing your entire insurance policy for all available coverage. Azeem and Associates, LLC represent you not the insurance company. WE WANT TO BE YOUR INSURANCE PUBLIC ADJUSTERS IN FLORIDA.
Fire Damage
Fire Damage
Azeem & Associates, LLC Insurance Public Adjusters represents you against the Insurance Companies on the East Coast of Florida and the Florida Keys. We work with damage claims of:
Flood Damage
Fire Damage
Broken Water Pipes
Vandalism or Theft
Get the best insurance claims payout possible for your property and boat claims.
Give the experts at Azeem & Associates, LLC a call today @ 954-880-0355