Call us now at 954-880-0355!

What are Spores:
Spores are seeds carrying and protecting the materials which will produce fungi. They can lie dormant until moisture is detected to support growth.
What are Hyphae:
They are fungi’s (mycelia) growing their roots and branches. They are thread like structures that are visible through a microscope.
What are Mycotoxins:
They are chemicals produced (toxigenic fungi) by molds which is toxic if inhaled, ingested or in contact with the skin of humans. These chemicals can affect the immune and nervous systems, liver, kidneys and blood.
The involvement of a public adjuster from Azeem and Associates, LLC will save the homeowner time when dealing with the Insurance Company. Azeem and Associates, LLC can recommend a Water Remediation Company, that can remove the damaged structure in a safe and orderly matter. The area needs to be quarantined to reduce the spread of the mold spores to adjacent rooms. Most insurance policies have a limit on Mold damages but the policyholders are not aware of such limitations. We work closely with all vendors which can include attorneys, general contractors and engineers to resolve these claims. WE WANT TO BE YOUR INSURANCE PUBLIC ADJUSTERS IN FLORIDA.

Azeem & Associates, LLC Insurance Public Adjusters are Florida Public Adjusters that represent you against the Insurance Companies on the East Coast of Florida and the Florida Keys. Whether you are a victim of:
Flood Damage
Fire Damage
Broken Water Pipes
Vandalism or Theft
Get the best insurance claims payout possible for your property and boat claims.
Give the experts at Azeem & Associates, LLC a call today @ 954-880-0355